Should You Have a Permit For Home Renovation?

Why You Must Have Permits When Renovating Your Home
Many homeowners don’t realize the importance of having the right permits when performing repairs or renovations to their homes. A permit is an essential requirement for performing your projects with even the smallest of renovations. The repair or renovation permit is more commonly known as a building permit, and therefore covers any modifications made to a home.
Before you do any special changes to permit your projects, particularly if you own, you must be conversant with the local building rules. Building codes exist to ensure that construction of new buildings, additions, or repairs to existing buildings occur in a particular, organized manner. They are also designed to protect the city, town or township, the neighborhood and residents, and the homeowner. They may be required for any home repairs, renovations, additions, new buildings or demolitions of existing structures.
Securing a permit is one of the essential procedures you should follow when renovating your home. Permits allow the government to ensure that building safety standards are met and that regular requirements and legal measures are followed.
Not only should you ensure you obtain the appropriate permits when performing renovations, but you should also make sure you fully understand the reasons you are required to do so. A permit is more than a simple piece of paper. It is essentially the local government’s acknowledgment and permission for you to make the proposed changes to your home.
The renovation is an investment you are making for your home. This renovations you are doing have the potential to dramatically increase your home’s value. If you have plans of reselling it in the future, there is no doubt that you will get the best returns by having a permitted project that is done right. Aside from that You will be able to enjoy the full potential of your home, even if it is an old property.
Obtaining a Permit
All permits should be included in the agreement you sign with the contractor. The roles of the contractor and the homeowner as to permit your projects must be carefully laid out in the agreement. The contractor may build the cost of obtaining a permit into their overall price of the project. They should have the expertise and the experience to determine what permits you need and acquire them for you. We don’t encourage anyone to obtain their own permits without having experience in home remodeling.
Importance of Permits
Permits are necessary to ensure all renovations can meet the standards set by the government. These standards were made to guarantee safety and soundness of the finished product. Failing to get a permit may be costly on your part. Ongoing constructions may be ordered to be put on hold. And if you fail to get the permit, you may have to end up undoing what you have done.
Also, home renovations without the appropriate permits can cause delays in completing the work. Any unreported renovations can result in halting of work partway through the process since you’ll be required to obtain the right permit before being allowed to proceed. It can also lead to significant fines and other penalties. Many towns and cities that are strapped for cash can be quite harsh on homeowners who fail to secure the right permits before proceeding with repairs or renovations.
Some towns and cities are extremely diligent in their monitoring of home improvements, building additions, and renovations. There are cases where people have been barred from their own homes when they’ve failed to get the right permits before undertaking a home improvement project. In these instances, the homeowners were required to rectify the permit situation before being allowed to enter their property.
Many homeowners don’t know that they’re required to get building permits for what may seem a simple do-it-yourself project. Most people think that such permits are only required when adding a section to an existing home or constructing a new building. They don’t realize that many smaller structural changes or improvements also require permits.
Some homeowners don’t get permits because they are afraid they may not be approved for making the proposed changes to their home. Others try to avoid the permit process to shortcut property taxes which can increase due to certain types of home improvements or renovations.
Legal and financial problems can result from failing to get the proper permits before making any changes to your home. You risk not only fines but also additional costs and penalties associated with legal fees, delays in construction work, and even damage to the home that can result from projects remaining only partially completed while the home is exposed to weather conditions.
While some towns and cities are willing to accept ignorance as an excuse from homeowners, more localities are cracking down on those who make significant changes to their homes without following the building permit process. In some places, town officials patrol neighborhoods looking for any signs of building activities. In other instances, town officials are notified by neighbors or other individuals in the general area who notice the work is being done. Especially if you’re making changes that a particular neighbor doesn’t appreciate, you will want to ensure you have all your paperwork to avoid any issues that could arise.
Some towns have stricter codes than others. Many places have put building codes in place to maintain a specific general appearance for the town or city as a whole. It’s important for you to know these regulations before investing time and money in a home improvement venture. Neglecting to do so can result in you facing fines, and you can also be required to undo any unapproved changes you have already completed if they don’t meet the municipality’s set standards. The laws vary from city to city, and it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with them before taking on a major project. your contractor should be able to help you through the process.